May. 12. 2023 ~ For Real This Time?
Well, it's been a while turned out that my computer went kaput almost imedeately after i posted that last one. I had to send it in a third time. I didn t get to send it in for a while though; I was just to busy with school. But now I'm not busy with school becuase school is out and because I have only been full-time dual enrolled at a college my classes have ended three weeks before most of my friends'. So now I ve got nothing much to do. I have Scout work, my parent are hoping for an extension so I can make Eagle but I don t want to get my hopes up still working pn it though. I ve been looking for jobs, I didn t end up getting hired at the summer camp I was planning on working at, but one of my friends just got fired from Publix so we ve been looking for jobs together. When I first suggested JoAnn he said I could plan on him rizzing up all the old women who shopped there. JoAnn ened up not hiring dispute the large pop-up sign inthe store saying otherwise. Right now, are waiting for our Micheal's applications to be seen, hoping that we we will be accepting together.
I can t say that I have real plans for this Summer. I all feels so weird, four years of baggage gone in an instant. But it wasn't intsantaneous; it was a slow burn. Like frog boiling* or thawing ice. I ve been waiting for this for a while but now that I'm here all I can do is wait even more. There are so many things that I want to do, so many things that I want to become but all I do is wait. I don t know I can list of a few thing. Start sewing the wadrobe I always want, have a successful garden, start bug pinning; but I just don t know where I should start It would be easier if I had the money, to just buy everything that I needed but I don t have that and I feel that my parents are f=growing exhasted at funded my every hobby, old and new. So I just wait; wait for somehting to happen, wait for to change, wait for my birthday. I just wait. I'll be making and actual post on my plans for this Summer sooner or later; this turned into a downer, i feel. * Did you know that the frog boiling experiment made not sense? The scientist actually removed the frogs' brains before summurging them in water; they weren t goinhg to jumping out of anything, no matter thr temperature.
Mar.21. 2023 ~ We re back! Baby!

My PC arrived yesterday. There is a noticable dent in the case but its not shutting down every five minutes so Im not arguing!. Now alls thats left is tranfers my files from my college loaner laptop onto this badboy. So exciting! I have some things cooking up to that I cant wait to get to.


Hello hello! I have done alot of update on my site today and Im really proud of how its looking. The colors I ve chosen were based on my previous tumblr theme. Magenta, pale pink, and creamy yellow. I changed my tumblr theme a long time ago, but those colors always stuck with me. I might change it later since it doesnt really match with the 'techicolor' in my name, but its fine for now. Im also very proud of how far I ve come with coding in what I think is just two or so weeks. Seriously this site used to be the default neocities page and now it has a decent amount of links, a blog and some other stuff. Especially since i had negligable html knowlege befoe then. I am little jelous of some other people's sites. I envy the wild, garish looks they come up this; their flashung gifs, beautiful background, cute litlle flashing cursors. I kind of want my site to look like that too but I just dont think it would make me happy. I do think that adding more images will make me alot happier though! Gosh I just cant wait untill my PC gets repaired and sent back to me. Its ridiculous how it started to have problems so quickly after I acquired it. I cant wait to start animating and drawing digitally again. I can finally get all my neocity test files of off my loaner laptop too; have everything in one place. I ve also been wanting to play Disco Elysium again. The last PC game I has playing before I had to send my PC out was Hades (I finally beat the final boss to) but before that, I played It is a very beatiful game to me and I dont feel like I played it correctly the first time (?). I sort of rushed through to the ending which, after doing some cursory digging online, I realized was a really stupid thing to do. I missed alot of the side missions that people were raving about, and alot of other character interaction.This isnt an unusual feeling for me; I generally feel like I need to read/play/watch things twice in order to fully appreciate it fully. The time bewteen those to experiences is usually long enough for me to grow emotionally and intellectally between those reading to I get to analyse why I enjoyed or disliked aspects in the past. I actaully kind of enjoy it. Its pretty often that I dont finish thing that I read/watch/play, so coming back at a later time to revisit it and breathing new life into in old interest is always fun; getting to learn more of your past and current self. Aahhg! This is getting so ramblly. So Im gonna finish it up! Goodbye for now! TTYL!!